Easy Methods To Use Rice Water For Your Hair

Did you know that Rice water can work wonders on your hair?? Yes! You heard it right!! A thing as simple as rice water has been used since ages to solve various hair problems.
It’s Asia’s secret remedy for all types of hair problems. The best thing about this is it’s super easy to make. Read on to find out more about it.

What exactly is Rice water?

I’m sure everyone reading this has the know-how of cooking rice.  You first soak the rice in water and then drain that water away. But, next time, remember not to throw it away! Reason being it works wonders on your skin and hair!!
When you soak rice in water, the rice leaves excess starch making the water look like a milky liquid. It contained minerals and vitamins and made for a healthy drink.
It has immense health benefits. It improves the blood circulation in your body, aids skin cell growth, and keeps your skin looking young and rejuvenated. It tightens your skin and removes wrinkles. It is also a healthy tonic for your hair.
Are you now curious to find out how rice water came about in use? Read below to find out. We have the answers to all your questions!

The history behind using Rice water for hair.

There is a tribe called Red Yao in a Chinese village called Huangluo, popularly known as the land of Rapunzels (no questioning why this name as it is self-explanatory).
The women of this village have been using rice water for washing and nourishing their hair since ages. The Guinness Book Of World Records has given this town the title of  ‘world’s longest hair village’.
Before this village, The noble women of the Japanese Imperial Court in 800 AD used the same remedy to wash their hair and the results? Well, you guessed it right! They had very very long and beautiful hair.
But after that, things have changed a lot! No nobody is aware of the benefits of using rice water on hair. People have now started using chemical products that have spoiled the quality of their hair.
But don’t worry. After I enlighten you about rice water and its benefits, you’ll surely say goodbye to all your useless hair care products.

How does Rice water work on your hair?

Rice water works excellently well on your hair. It contains inositol, a carbohydrate that repairs damaged hair and prevents it from any further damage.
Inositol works by staying on your hair even after the rice water is rinsed off. It acts as a shield, thereby protecting your hair from damage. Rice water also contains amino acids that strengthen the hair roots, increase hair volume, and make your hair shiny, silky and smooth.
If you’re still wondering whether to use rice water or not, let me tell you that it is great for your hair in every possible way you could think of. Plus it doesn’t have any side effects and is completely natural. So go on and give it a try!

Which is more efficient- Plain Rice Water or Fermented Rice Water?

Don’t think of rice water as a single type. It rather has many variations, two of which we’re going to discuss now. They are  plain rice water and fermented rice water. Let’s discuss them one by one.
As a matter of fact, Plain rice water’s pH is higher than your hair’s pH. Fermented rice has the same pH level as that of your hair, making it more suitable. Fermented rice water helps to close the cuticles, and protects your hair from damage.
Fermenting of rice water also enhances the existing vitamins and nutrients levels in it, which provides more nourishment to your hair follicles. It makes your hair healthy and strong and also improves the overall appearance of your hair.
A substance called ‘pitera’ is formed during fermentation of rice. It contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and organic acids in abundance. So, it helps in cell regeneration and keeps your skin and hair healthy.
Fermented rice water is acidic, and thus it restores the pH balance of your hair.
Though both the types of rice water are beneficial, you can use them as per the amount of nourishment and rejuvenation you wish for your hair.
Now the question is, how to prepare each one of them? Let’s find out!

How to prepare Rice water?

Here are two easy ways of preparing rice water at home and using it on your hair. Have a look:

1. Boiled Rice Water.

(I) What is Boiled rice water?

Boiled rice water is nothing but the excess water left behind after boiling the rice. It is a concentrated liquid which can be used as a face wash or simply to rinse your hair. Easy?

(II) Steps to make boiled rice water:

1. Take a container and fill it with rice. (Any type, brown, white, basmati, jasmine etc.)
2. Fill it with more water than you usually use to cook. Make sure that you put in enough water.
3. Now cook the rice and bring to boil. You may take out the excess water that appears on the top , or wait until the rice cook entirely and then strain the excess water in other container.
4. You’ve now obtained highly concentrated cloudy liquid.

(III) How to use this water on your hair?

It will work as an excellent hair conditioner. Read the steps below to find out how to use it:
1 .Take a mug of boiled rice water and add in a few drops of your favourite essential oil like rosemary, lavender, or chamomile to it.
2. After you shampoo your hair, rinse them with this water. keep it for 5 to 20 minutes as per the time you have.
3. While waiting, gently massage your hair and scalp.
4. Lastly, rinse your hair with cold water. Use it often to see the results.

2. Fermented Rice Water.

(I) What is fermented rice water?

Fermented rice water is left to ferment for a while before use. Fermentation converts the liquid into a potent liquid that needs to be diluted before use.

(II) Steps to prepare fermented rice water:

1. Take half a cup of rice and soak it in two cups of water. Keep it aside for 15 to 30 minutes.
2. After 30 minutes, extract the water from the rice.
3. Transfer this water into a clean jar and leave it for 2-3 days at room temperature.
4.When you notice a foul smell coming from the jar, stop the fermentation and shift the jar to the fridge.
5. Direct use of this water is not recommended as it is highly concentrated. So, add 2-3 cups of warm water to it before using.

(III) How to use this water on your hair?

You can prepare a rich hair mask using fermented rice water and mustard. This will be very effective on your hair. So let’s find out how:
1. Make a smooth paste out of the fermented rice water and mustard powder.
2. Add some olive oil and mix well.
3. Apply this mask only on your scalp.
4. Let it stay for 20 minutes and then wash it off with a mild shampoo.

Now that you know how to make rice water let’s look at its benefits one by one.

What are the Benefits of rice water for hair?

We’ve already mentioned few of the benefits that rice water provides to your hair, now let us look at few more benefits which we’ve missed out on.

1. Promotes hair growth!

Rice water reduces hair fall to a great extent and also promotes hair growth. The amino acids and  vitamins B, C, and E present in rice water, in particular, help in the regeneration of hair thereby making your hair grow at a faster pace. Follow the above mentioned process at least twice a week and see the desired results!

2. Decreases the amount of split ends.

want to get rid of split ends? try out the rice water hair remedy!  Your hair needs protein to avoid split ends, and rice water has plenty of it. There are various causes of split ends and the most prominent ones are pollution and lack of nourishment.  The amino acids present in rice water come to your rescue and repair the damage.
Just soak your split ends in rice water and keep it for 15-20 minutes before washing off. The condition of your hair will improve drastically!

3. Acts as a hair rinse.

The easiest hair rinse ever! Just rinse your hair with rice water after you shampoo to bring back the lost shine and health of your hair. It does all the magic to your hair!

4. Prevents hair damage!

Rice water decreases surface friction and improves hair elasticity. As mentioned earlier, carbohydrate called inositol repairs damaged hair and protects hair from further damage. this inositol will remain in your hair even after you rinse your hair, which is the best part!

5. Strengthens the roots and makes your hair smooth!

It makes your roots strong by nourishing your scalp, and also makes your hair shiny, silky and smooth.

6. Treats dandruff.

Dandruff is like a plague attacking your head, and leaving behind the white mist. It stimulates the itching which you experience. But if you rinse your hair with rice water, you’ll get rid of dandruff. Use rice water regularly and feel dandruff fading away!

7. Adds smoothness and shine to hair.

Every girl dreams of smooth and shiny hair. The health of your hair reflects how much you take care of them. Now like I said earlier, rice water is the one-stop solution for all your hair problems. You can reverse the damage and make your hair silky smooth and shiny. Use rice water hair mask on your hair regularly and you can get the hair of your dreams!!

8. Removes lice!

Rice water is a healer when it comes to getting rid of lice. Lice ruin the health of your hair by sucking out the nutrients from it. So you should get rid of them!!  The starch in rice water kills the lice and nits instantly.

9. A Perfect hair conditioner.

You can use rice water as a hair conditioner. It is a natural, easy and cost-effective way to condition your hair. You just need to add a few drops of your favourite essential oil like rosemary, lavender, or geranium and you’re good to go! Apply this after you shampoo and leave it like that for about 15-30 minutes. Then rinse off with cold water.
Use this and make a difference to your hair! You will feel your hair turning soft shiny long and strong!

Some useful tips:

Here are some helpful tips to make the correct use of rice water while washing your hair:
1. Rice water contains natural saponins hence making it only a mild cleanser. So, to avoid and remove the build-up of rice water in your hair over time add a teaspoon of a natural clarifier like lime, amla, or shikakai to it.
2. You can also add some green tea to the rice water as it prevents hair fall and brings shine to your hair!
3. You don’t need to keep the rice water in your hair for the whole night, just 15-30 minutes would do like the benefits of rice water will stay in your hair even after you wash it off.
4. You can also consume rice water, as it is beneficial for your body as well!
That’s all folks! Aren’t you eager to try out rice water on your hair and see the results? Well then go on and try it yourself. But remember that rice water is foul smelling and especially fermented rice water. But I am sure you can bear the smell for some time to improve the condition of your hair!

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