Get to Know Why sex could be your best prescription

A couple getting intimate

A romp in the sack can improve short-term brain function and psychological health…

Here are just some of the health benefits of getting busy between the sheets:
Bolster your immune system
You’ll experience a spike in immunoglobulin A, an antibody that can fight off respiratory and stomach infections. Other than sex here are 23 cheats to bulletproof your body.
Cut your prostate cancer risk
The more you ejaculate, the more carcinogens you’ll flush out of your sex gland, say Australian researchers.
Halve your risk of a fatal heart attack
Sex causes a surge in testosterone, a hormone that helps protect your heart from stress. Here are some additional ways to protect your body with these five surprising food combinations that could prevent cancer, a heart attack and other health risks.
Ignite your fat burners
During a passionate bout of sex, men use 143 muscles and torch as many kilojoules as during a 15-minute jog. The best way to burn fat is always exercise so try the best fat-burning exercise, according to science. 
De-stress your mind
After orgasm, your body releases oxytocin, a hormone that acts as a natural anti-anxiety drug.
Bonus tip: turn off the tap
A sloppy first kiss can torpedo a new romance, say University at Albany researchers. They asked 122 women about smooching and found that two thirds had ended a budding relationship because the guy tried to wet-vac their face.
Why is it so hard for us to hold back? Men have weak sensory receptors, so we need wetter kisses to improve the exchange of pheromones contained in saliva.

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